Our Vision is that: -

‘God has called us to be a people who stand upon The Word of God, and move in the life-giving river that flows from God through the sanctuary enabling the ministries to reach out in His Love and Grace to the communities around us’

This can be summed up in the vision statement: -

‘Gods Word in action reaching out in Love to our communities’

We aim to achieve our Vision through five biblically based foundations in the day to day life of the church that we call ‘Pillars’.

Equipping God’s People through sound Bible-Teaching.

The Church of Jesus Christ is the guardian of Eternal Truth. Great care is taken at THE BRIDGE FAMILY CHURCH to maintain an absolute devotion to the purity and finality of the Scriptures.

We seek to bring a simple but yet clear message for practical Christian living. 

2Tim 3:16 – 17.

Worship & Praise

Celebrating God’s Presence through Praise and Worship.

The worship at THE BRIDGE FAMILY CHURCH seeks to be Spirit led, creative, lively, significant, meaningful, skilful and culturally relevant and inspirational. 

Personal contributions are welcomed, and form a part of our worship times together. Spirit directed worship is not a ‘style’ of doing things but is an openness to The Holy Spirit within any style.  

We find God through worship. He is enthroned in the praise of His People.  1 Cor 14:26.  Eph 5:17 – 21.

Evangelism & Outreach

Communicating God’s Word through Evangelism.

THE BRIDGE FAMILY CHURCH is not a club. Neither does it exist for the comfort or entertainment of its members. We are not here to provide a building where people can sing on Sunday only. We are stewards of the Gospel, to pass on the Good News of Jesus Christ and to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ to His Church.  THE BRIDGE FAMILY CHURCH accomplishes this through a variety of bridge-building strategies, Friendship Evangelism, and other bridge-building Evangelistic Events. Acts 1:8.

Youth & Kids

Children are not the church of tomorrow but the church of today. As a church, we seek to establish an environment which allows both the youth and children to feel safe and secure. They are of vital importance to the Bridge Family Church and we see them as significant to part of the church. We seek to encourage them by expressing care, concern and compassion for them


Keeping God’s People alert and effective through prayer. 

Corporate Prayer times, with occasional Fasts, are essential ingredients to the life and success of THE BRIDGE FAMILY CHURCH. Participation in Spiritual Warfare and Intercessory Prayer is encouraged in all who are members of the Church.