Our Vision is to be able to provide necessities to disadvantaged and homeless people in the Neath valley. Above all else, hope and a voice.
In Matthew 25:35, Jesus charged his believers to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty and give refuge to those who need it.
Simply, we feel that the spirit is calling us to fulfill this charge.
We have been operation since October 2016. Our support has been to provide regular ‘Care Pack’ runs in the community. The contents of these bags we pray, will give hope to the homeless and provide for some basic needs. Providing hygiene and food to those most vulnerable in the Neath valley working in partnership with the local authority and fellow local support teams.
Where needed we have provided clothing and bedding. Importantly, advice on where support can be provided and above all else, to make sure that the people that we support have a voice.
As the work we do continues. We’re carrying out several initiatives to continue to provide and enhance the work we are doing. Providing a regular touchstone of support in the community for those in need. Not limited to homeless support but also those struggling to make ends meet and requiring assistance.
Your support is welcome and appreciated.